Detachable spiral plate heat exchanger
Detachable spiral heat exchangers are the necessary important equipment for the heat exchange in the ethanol, solvent, food fermentation, pharmacy, petrochemical industry, coking gasification and other industries, which plays an immeasurable role in the ethanol industry.
Alcohol equipment, anhydrous alcohol equipment, fuel alcohol
Molecular sieve dehydration: 95% (v / v) of liquid alcohol is heated to the proper temperature and pressure by feed pump, preheater, evaporator, and superheater ( For gas alcohol dehydration: 95% (V/V) gas alcohol directly through the superheater, after heating to a certain temperature and pressure ), and then is dehydrated from top to bottom through the molecular sieve in the adsorption state.
The reboiler manufactured by our company is widely applied in the chemical industry and the ethanol industry.